Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Short-range Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Phase Characterization for the q-state Clock Model

Version 1 : Received: 28 June 2021 / Approved: 13 July 2021 / Online: 13 July 2021 (11:10:30 CEST)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Negrete, O.A.; Vargas, P.; Peña, F.J.; Saravia, G.; Vogel, E.E. Short-Range Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Phase Characterization for the q-State Clock Model. Entropy 2021, 23, 1019. Negrete, O.A.; Vargas, P.; Peña, F.J.; Saravia, G.; Vogel, E.E. Short-Range Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Phase Characterization for the q-State Clock Model. Entropy 2021, 23, 1019.


Beyond the usual ferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases present in spin systems, the usual q-state clock model, presents an intermediate vortex state when the number of possible orientations q for the system is equal to 5 or larger. Such vortex states give rise to the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) phase present up to the XY model in the limit q→∞. Based on information theory, we present here an analysis of the classical order parameters plus new short-range parameters defined here. Thus, we show that even using the first nearest neighbors spin-spin correlations only, it is possible to distinguish the two transitions presented by this system for q greater than or equal to 5. Moreover, the appearance at relatively low temperature and disappearance of the BKT phase at a rather fix higher temperature is univocally determined by the short-range interactions recognized by the information content of classical and new parameters.


q-state clock model; Entropy; Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition; ergodicity


Physical Sciences, Acoustics

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