Version 1
: Received: 2 May 2021 / Approved: 7 May 2021 / Online: 7 May 2021 (14:47:21 CEST)
How to cite:
Istianingsih, I. Behavior of Using the Food Marketplace System in the New Normal Era of COVID-19 in Indonesia. Preprints2021, 2021050146.
Istianingsih, I. Behavior of Using the Food Marketplace System in the New Normal Era of COVID-19 in Indonesia. Preprints 2021, 2021050146.
Istianingsih, I. Behavior of Using the Food Marketplace System in the New Normal Era of COVID-19 in Indonesia. Preprints2021, 2021050146.
APA Style
Istianingsih, I. (2021). Behavior of Using the Food Marketplace System in the New Normal Era of COVID-19 in Indonesia. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Istianingsih, I. 2021 "Behavior of Using the Food Marketplace System in the New Normal Era of COVID-19 in Indonesia" Preprints.
The obligation to keep a distance from other people due to the pandemic has changed the pattern of human life, especially in shopping for their primary needs, namely food. The food marketplace's presence presents new hope in maintaining health and food availability without having to crowd with other people while shopping. The main problem that is often a concern for shopping online is the security of transactions and the ease of using this food marketplace application. This research is the intensity of using the Food Marketplace in terms of interest, transaction security, and ease of use of this application. Researchers analyzed the relationship between variables with the Structural equation model. Respondents who became this sample were 300 application users spread across various major cities in Indonesia. This study's results provide a view that the intensity of the use of the food marketplace has increased significantly during the new normal life. This paper's main value lies in providing a better understanding of consumer behavior in the Indonesian food marketplace that has not been previously researched. By investigating the factors that influence the intensity of use of the food marketplace, it is hoped that it will provide a basis for further research
Food Marketplace; User Interest; Ease of Use; User Security
Business, Economics and Management, Accounting and Taxation
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