Machusky, E.; Lisovska, L.; Goncharov, O. Quantum Determinism of Relative Spacetime Counting. Preprints2020, 2020110699.
APA Style
Machusky, E., Lisovska, L., & Goncharov, O. (2020). Quantum Determinism of Relative Spacetime Counting. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Machusky, E., Ljubov Lisovska and Olexander Goncharov. 2020 "Quantum Determinism of Relative Spacetime Counting" Preprints.
The phenomenal mathematical efficiency of quantum field theories in modern high-speed information and communication systems has a very simple explanation from the point of view of common sense and higher mathematical logic: all of them – quantum cosmology, quantum physics, quantum metrics and quantum calculus – are the self-informational mathematical systems based on symbolic and numerical functional analysis and elementary recursive calculations of interrelated space and time parameters of matter motion in various states of the material environment.For the first time in scientific and engineering practice, it was clearly shown that the information entropy of both standard symbolic and non-standard numerical functional analysis has absolute exact limits of computational accuracy – 1/10^16 and 1/10^64, respectively. Moreover, the second limit determines the maximum level of accuracy of practical quantum metrics and calculations and fully coordinates four branches of classical physics – thermodynamics, electrodynamics, gravidynamics, chromodynamics with special and general relativity.
Computer Science and Mathematics, Algebra and Number Theory
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