Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Change the Teaching Methodologies to Improve E-Learning Quality

Version 1 : Received: 17 August 2020 / Approved: 18 August 2020 / Online: 18 August 2020 (08:53:34 CEST)

How to cite: Pham, T. N. Change the Teaching Methodologies to Improve E-Learning Quality. Preprints 2020, 2020080380. Pham, T. N. Change the Teaching Methodologies to Improve E-Learning Quality. Preprints 2020, 2020080380.


E-learning with many outstanding advantages in training has drastically changed the self-study process due to the ability to personalize and effectively meet the learning activities of learners. E-learning and building an e-learning environment are currently paying attention and being deployed in many universities in Vietnam with different scope and levels. Especially in the current period, when science and technology are developing, many applications of technology and technology products have been applied in the field of education, changing the way of teaching and learning activities, the practice of both lecturers and students. Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies have replaced people not only for manual labor but also for intellectual labor, including the teaching of teachers. Many software applications have been used to replace people in the transmission of knowledge, testing, and evaluation of training quality, especially E-learning online training programs. However, in Vietnam today, the output quality of these online training programs has not been highly appreciated compared to similar programs in the world. The cause of this situation is that the training, teaching, and learning are not effective. Therefore, in this article, I will give some analysis, evaluate the current teaching and learning methods and propose solutions to enhance the interaction and initiative in the teaching and learning process of lecturers and students to improve the quality of online training in the future.


e-learning; teaching methodologies; lecturer; learner


Social Sciences, Education

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