Early Hydroxychloroquine Is Associated with an Increase of Survival in COVID-19 Patients: An Observational Study
Version 2 : Received: 6 May 2020 / Approved: 9 May 2020 / Online: 9 May 2020 (04:45:37 CEST)
How to cite: Membrillo, F. J.; Ramírez-Olivencia, G.; Estébanez, M.; de Dios, B.; Herrero, M. D.; Mata, T.; Borobia, A. M.; Gutiérrez, C.; Simón, M.; Ochoa, A.; Martínez, Y.; Aguirre, A.; Alcántara, F. D. A.; Fernández-González, P.; López, E.; Valle, P.; Campos, S.; Navarro, M.; Ballester, L. E. Early Hydroxychloroquine Is Associated with an Increase of Survival in COVID-19 Patients: An Observational Study. Preprints 2020, 2020050057. https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202005.0057.v2 Membrillo, F. J.; Ramírez-Olivencia, G.; Estébanez, M.; de Dios, B.; Herrero, M. D.; Mata, T.; Borobia, A. M.; Gutiérrez, C.; Simón, M.; Ochoa, A.; Martínez, Y.; Aguirre, A.; Alcántara, F. D. A.; Fernández-González, P.; López, E.; Valle, P.; Campos, S.; Navarro, M.; Ballester, L. E. Early Hydroxychloroquine Is Associated with an Increase of Survival in COVID-19 Patients: An Observational Study. Preprints 2020, 2020050057. https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202005.0057.v2
Copyright: This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Comments (8)
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Commenter: Francisco Javier Membrillo de Novales
Commenter's Conflict of Interests: Author
New author added (Valle P.)
The commenter has declared there is no conflict of interests.
However, it was determined that the cut-off value of between physiological and pathological level in patients > 50 yrs should be age x 10 mcg/l (or ng/ml). See https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20354012/ . That means that the HCQ group had a physiological level, whereas the NHCQ group had a clearly pathological level at baseline. And high D-dimer levels have shown to be a powerful predictor of mortality in Covid-19, see https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jth.14859 .
Also, the percentages in table 2 should add up vertically, not horizontally.
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Commenter: Nicolo de Groot
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The commenter has declared there is no conflict of interests.
The commenter has declared there is no conflict of interests.
However, if the (100 - 46.9 =) 53.1% of the patients with D-dimer value determined were more or less evenly divided over the two groups, you should still have a representative statistic. And even if not, it still is not correct to state that a difference of 558 versus 1511 is insignificant.
Clinically, it's very significant, as I already explained, and that's what matters. You should present the D-dimer values as a dichotomous-numerical or categorical variable (physiological/pathological as per the study I referred to). You should then get a very significant p value.
Furthermore, the no-HCQ group also had significantly more cardiopathy, dementia and - as the text tells but not the table - lymphopenia. So, the no-HCQ group probably just was a lot sicker than the HCQ group. Which invalidates your conclusion.
As a former editor-in-chief, I'd suggest withdrawing this paper. In stead, I'd write one on your remarkable finding that the patients with severe covid had a shorter time from symptom onset than the patients with mild/moderate. I'd do some more research on what could have caused that, including prior use of medication and whether symptom onset was really symptom onset.
That will eventually produce a much more productive article. This one will only generate a stack of letters to the editor, and it will be ignored in any review.
The commenter has declared there is no conflict of interests.
For example, spell ARDS in the first time use.
The Ethics Committee on Clinical Investigation on the Ministry of Defense of Spain approved the research protocol. Moreover, the authors stated that they conducted a systematic review related to this manuscript. Did the authors register this study with PROSPERO? If registered, put the registration number.
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