In this paper, we study the sensing performance of metasurfaces comprised by spiral-disk-shaped metallic elements patterned on polypropylene substrates, which exhibit localized surface plasmon resonances in the low-frequency region of the THz spectrum (0.2-0.5 THz). Optimal designs of spiral disks with C-shaped resonators placed near the disks were determined and fabricated. The experimentally measured transmittance spectra of samples coated with very thin photoresistive layers (d ~ 10-4-10-3 λ) showed good agreement with simulations. The resonance frequency shift Δf increases with increasing d, while saturating near d = 50 µm. The narrow-band magnetic dark modes excited on symmetrical spiral disks with a 90⁰-C-resonator demonstrated very high FOM values reaching 1670 [RIU·mm]-1 at 0.3μm-thick analyte. The hybrid high order resonances excited on asymmetrical densely packed spiral disks showed about two times larger FOM values (up to 2950 [RIU·mm]-1) as compared to symmetrical distantly spaced spirals that resembles the best FOM results found in literature for metasurfaces fabricated with a similar technique. The demonstrated high sensing performance of spiral disks is evaluated to be promising for bio-sensing applications in the THz range.