Version 1
: Received: 18 July 2019 / Approved: 19 July 2019 / Online: 19 July 2019 (07:59:58 CEST)
How to cite:
Ansah, R. K.; Obiri-Yeboah, K.; Bimpomg, P.; Akipelu, G. The Role of Management Information Systems in the Financial Crisis of a Developing Economy. Preprints2019, 2019070221.
Ansah, R. K.; Obiri-Yeboah, K.; Bimpomg, P.; Akipelu, G. The Role of Management Information Systems in the Financial Crisis of a Developing Economy . Preprints 2019, 2019070221.
Ansah, R. K.; Obiri-Yeboah, K.; Bimpomg, P.; Akipelu, G. The Role of Management Information Systems in the Financial Crisis of a Developing Economy. Preprints2019, 2019070221.
APA Style
Ansah, R. K., Obiri-Yeboah, K., Bimpomg, P., & Akipelu, G. (2019). The Role of Management Information Systems in the Financial Crisis of a Developing Economy<strong> </strong>. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Ansah, R. K., Patrick Bimpomg and Grace Akipelu. 2019 "The Role of Management Information Systems in the Financial Crisis of a Developing Economy<strong> </strong>" Preprints.
There has been rampant fold-ups, merger and acquisitions occurring in the Ghanaian banking industry. Then, the questions arise: Is the Ghanaian Financial System in Crisis? This study was conducted to find answers to these problems unsolved with prior literature. A sample of seventy customers of the Royal Bank, 8 employees of the Royal Bank and 2 managers of the Royal Bank were selected for a case-survey. The study also monitored the Trend of the Ghanaian Financial System through the reading and monitoring of daily news on the Financial System and reports of banks. The data from the field and the secondary data from news and reports were analysed symmetrically. The study drew on Minsky’s Financial Crisis Theory to explain the phenomenon in the Ghanaian economy and to draw predictions of what would happen in other developing economies. The study found out that: (1) The Ghanaian financial system is fragile and it holds true for most developing economies; (2) The financial system suffers greatly when the confidence level of customers falls significantly; (3) Management information systems raises the confidence level of customers (borrowers and lenders) such that there is a greater fall and impact in times of instability in the economy; (4) The higher the level of MIS adoption in an unstable economy, the more fragile the Financial System becomes and (5) A higher adoption of Management Information Systems in a Fragile Financial System indirectly contributes to Financial Crisis of the Financial System.
financial crisis; management information system; financial system; confidence level
Business, Economics and Management, Finance
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