Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Cultural Routes in Kynouria of Arcadia: Geospatial Database Design and Software Development for Web Mapping of the Spatio-Historical Information

Version 1 : Received: 27 June 2018 / Approved: 27 June 2018 / Online: 27 June 2018 (16:00:03 CEST)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Boukouvalas, L.; Grigorakakis, G.; Tsatsaris, A. Cultural Routes in Kynouria of Arcadia: Geospatial Database Design and Software Development for Web Mapping of the Spatio-Historical Information. Heritage 2018, 1, 10. Boukouvalas, L.; Grigorakakis, G.; Tsatsaris, A. Cultural Routes in Kynouria of Arcadia: Geospatial Database Design and Software Development for Web Mapping of the Spatio-Historical Information. Heritage 2018, 1, 10.


On the occasion of Kynouria and in order to achieve the protection and projection of antiquities, a web-based model is proposed for highlighting individual monuments and archaeological sites, having in mind the historical and archaeological evidence of the region, the topography, the demographic profile and the tourist infrastructure, and combining them with the development programs for cultural routes. Therefore, creating suitable databases and mapping the monuments in the area are key prerequisites of the process, as they contribute to an objective assessment of the current situation and then to make rational decisions. In this frame, modern technology provides some important planning tools (GIS, GPS, and OMS) which allow recording and mapping of data, viewing the relationships between them in the area where they appear and managing their projection. The complete study of Kynouria’s archaeological routes contains the implementation of a website using free or open-source software, which should include all the necessary procedures and the historical and archaeological information material (text, maps, and photographs).


Antiquities; Monuments; Cultural Routes; Greece; Kynouria; GIS; Websites; Story maps.


Arts and Humanities, Archaeology

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