Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Quantum Field Theory with Electric-Magnetic Duality and Spin-Mass Duality but Without Grand Unication and Supersymmetry

Version 1 : Received: 21 June 2018 / Approved: 25 June 2018 / Online: 25 June 2018 (11:14:54 CEST)

How to cite: Kühne, R. Quantum Field Theory with Electric-Magnetic Duality and Spin-Mass Duality but Without Grand Unication and Supersymmetry. Preprints 2018, 2018060383. Kühne, R. Quantum Field Theory with Electric-Magnetic Duality and Spin-Mass Duality but Without Grand Unication and Supersymmetry. Preprints 2018, 2018060383.


Abstract: I present a generalization of quantum electrodynamics which includes Diracmagnetic monop oles and the Salam magnetic photon. This quantum electromagnetodynamics has many attractive features. (1) It explains the quantization of electric charge. (2) It describes symmetrized Maxwell equations. (3) It is manifestly covariant. (4) It describes local four-potentials. (5) It avoids the unphysical Dirac string. (6) It predicts a second kind of electromagnetic radiation which can be veri ed by a tabletop experiment. An e ect of this radiation may have been observed by August Kundt in 1885. Furthermore I discuss a generalization of General Relativity which includes Cartan's torsion. I discuss the mathematical de nition, concrete description, and physical meaning of Cartan's torsion. I argue that the electric-magnetic duality of quantum electromagnetodynamics is analogous to the spin-mass duality of Einstein-Cartan theory. A quantum version of this theory requires that the torsion tensor corresponds to a spin-3 boson called tordion which is shown to have a rest mass close to the Planck mass. Moreover I present an empirically satis ed fundamental equation of uni ed eld theory which includes the fundamental constants of electromagnetism and gravity. I conclude with the remark that the concepts presented here require neither Grand Uni cation nor supersymmetry.


Quantum Field Theory, Electric-Magnetic Duality, Spin-Mass Duality


Physical Sciences, Nuclear and High Energy Physics

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