Version 1
: Received: 18 May 2018 / Approved: 31 May 2018 / Online: 31 May 2018 (11:25:02 CEST)
Version 2
: Received: 28 October 2018 / Approved: 30 October 2018 / Online: 30 October 2018 (07:18:35 CET)
How to cite:
Lin, J.-T.; Chen, K.-T.; Liu, H.-W.; Cheng, D.-C. Modeling the Kinetics, Dynamic Profiles and Strategies for Optimal Efficacy of Photo-Polymerization in Thick Polymers. Preprints2018, 2018050472.
Lin, J.-T.; Chen, K.-T.; Liu, H.-W.; Cheng, D.-C. Modeling the Kinetics, Dynamic Profiles and Strategies for Optimal Efficacy of Photo-Polymerization in Thick Polymers. Preprints 2018, 2018050472.
Lin, J.-T.; Chen, K.-T.; Liu, H.-W.; Cheng, D.-C. Modeling the Kinetics, Dynamic Profiles and Strategies for Optimal Efficacy of Photo-Polymerization in Thick Polymers. Preprints2018, 2018050472.
APA Style
Lin, J. T., Chen, K. T., Liu, H. W., & Cheng, D. C. (2018). Modeling the Kinetics, Dynamic Profiles and Strategies for Optimal Efficacy of Photo-Polymerization in Thick Polymers. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Lin, J., Hsia-Wei Liu and Da-Chuan Cheng. 2018 "Modeling the Kinetics, Dynamic Profiles and Strategies for Optimal Efficacy of Photo-Polymerization in Thick Polymers" Preprints.
The kinetics and optimal efficacy conditions of photoinitiated polymerization are theoretically presented. Analytic formulas are derived for the crosslink time, crosslink depth and efficacy function. The roles of photosensitizer (PS)
concentration, diffusion depth and light intensity on the polymerization spatial and temporal profiles, for both uniform and non-uniform cases, are presented . For optimal efficacy, a strategy via controlled PS concentration is proposed, where re-supply of PS in high light intensity may achieve a combined-efficacy similar to low light intensity, but has a much faster procedure. A new criterion of efficacy based on the polymerization (crosslink) [strength] and [depth] is introduced.
Chemistry and Materials Science, Polymers and Plastics
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