Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Mapping Soil Salinity in Western United Arab Emirates (UAE) Using Satellite Data

Version 1 : Received: 15 April 2018 / Approved: 16 April 2018 / Online: 16 April 2018 (10:18:42 CEST)

How to cite: Abuelgasim, A.; Ammad, R. Mapping Soil Salinity in Western United Arab Emirates (UAE) Using Satellite Data. Preprints 2018, 2018040203. Abuelgasim, A.; Ammad, R. Mapping Soil Salinity in Western United Arab Emirates (UAE) Using Satellite Data. Preprints 2018, 2018040203.


Soil salinity, whether natural or human induced, is a major geo-hazard in arid and semi-arid landscapes. In agricultural lands, it negatively affects plant growth, crop yields, whereas in semi-arid and arid non-agricultural areas it affects urban structures due to subsidence, corrosion and ground water quality, leading to further soil erosion and land degradation Accurately mapping soil salinity through remote sensing techniques has been an active area of research in the past few decades particularly for agricultural lands. Most of this research has focused on the utilization and development of salinity indices for properly mapping and identifying saline agricultural soils. This research study develops a soil salinity index and model using Landsat 8 OLI image data from the near infra-red and shortwave infra-red spectral information with emphasis on soil salinity mapping and assessment in non-agricultural desert arid and semi-arid surfaces. The developed index when integrated into a semi-empirical model outperformed in its soil salinity mapping overall accuracy (60%) in comparison to other salinity indices (~50%). The newly developed index further outperformed other indices in its accuracy in mapping and identifying high saline soils (67%) and excessively high saline soils (90%).


soil salinity; arid; semi-arid; Landsat 8 OLI


Environmental and Earth Sciences, Environmental Science

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