Heslop, B.; Stojanovski, E.; Paul, J.; Bailey, K. Do Self-Interested Learners Avoid Prosocial Learning?. Preprints2018, 2018010050. https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints201801.0050.v1
APA Style
Heslop, B., Stojanovski, E., Paul, J., & Bailey, K. (2018). Do Self-Interested Learners Avoid Prosocial Learning?. Preprints. https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints201801.0050.v1
Chicago/Turabian Style
Heslop, B., Jonathan Paul and Kylie Bailey. 2018 "Do Self-Interested Learners Avoid Prosocial Learning?" Preprints. https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints201801.0050.v1
This article assumes that collaborators who adopt a positive-sum, prosocial perspective can build trust-based relationships, which is equivalent to collaborative ability (CA). To improve a collaborator’s CA, we anticipated that content based upon a model of positive-sum collaboration, founded upon ancestral behaviours presented as social norms, might alter a zero-sum, proself, collaborator’s perspective. However, we also postulated that learner’s willingness to engage in positive-sum content may rely on pre-existing prosociality. Intervention participant’s prosociality was assessed via self-assessment of their emotional intelligence (EQ), quality of life (QoL), and goal orientation (GO). Learner’s engagement in online content was assessed by the three stage reached: examine website front matter; examine website content; learn website content. Tukey’s multiple comparison showed a statistically significant difference between stages one and three, in the mean of respondent’s self-assessed QoL. This suggests that participants who wished to learn content had, on average, higher quality of life, and potentially therefore greater prosociality. In general, these findings support a claim that any intervention designed to increase individual prosociality may need to consider the target population’s reticence to engage.
collaboration; social norms theory; emotional intelligence; quality of life; goal orientation; prosocial; internet education
Social Sciences, Psychology
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