1) Introduction: Brain parcellation is an important processing step in the analysis of structural brain MRI. Existing software implementations are optimized for fully developed adult brains, and provide inadequate results when applied to neonatal brain imaging. 2) Methods: We developed a semi-automated pipeline, NeBSS, for extracting 50 discrete brain structures from neonatal brain MRI, using an atlas registration method that leverages the existing ALBERT neonatal atlas 3) Results: We demonstrate a simple linear workflow for neonatal brain parcellation. NeBSS is robust to variation in imaging acquisition protocol and magnet field strength. 4) Conclusion: NeBSS is a robust pipeline capable of parcellating neonatal brain MRIs using a simple processing workflow. NeBSS fills a need in clinical translational research in neonatal imaging, where existing automated or semi-automated implementations are too rigid to be successfully applied to multi-center neuroprotection studies and clinically heterogeneous cohorts. The software is open source and freely available.