Version 1
: Received: 24 October 2022 / Approved: 27 October 2022 / Online: 27 October 2022 (11:12:44 CEST)
How to cite:
Qingshan, Q. How Do Mass Rapid Transit and Convenience Stores Affect Housing Prices?. Preprints2022, 2022100434.
Qingshan, Q. How Do Mass Rapid Transit and Convenience Stores Affect Housing Prices?. Preprints 2022, 2022100434.
Qingshan, Q. How Do Mass Rapid Transit and Convenience Stores Affect Housing Prices?. Preprints2022, 2022100434.
APA Style
Qingshan, Q. (2022). How Do Mass Rapid Transit and Convenience Stores Affect Housing Prices?. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Qingshan, Q. 2022 "How Do Mass Rapid Transit and Convenience Stores Affect Housing Prices?" Preprints.
Real estate has the dual characteristics of consumption and investment. Under the inherent concept of "where there is land, there is wealth", real estate has become the investment target of the main asset. In addition to the supply and demand of the market will affect the price of real estate, many general economic factors will also have a certain impact on the price of real estate. This paper pays a special focus on the effects of MRT on housing prices, finding the closer a house is to an MRT station, the higher its price. In addition, convenience stores are very popularized, and this research report is also interested in whether the number of convenience stores within walking distance will affect the house price. In a word, these two factors do affect housing prices significantly.
Housing Prices; MRT; Prediction; Machine Learning
Business, Economics and Management, Economics
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