Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Soil Loss and Sediment Export from Land Use of the George Town Conurbation Catchment

Version 1 : Received: 11 August 2020 / Approved: 12 August 2020 / Online: 12 August 2020 (05:09:55 CEST)

How to cite: Rahaman, Z. A.; Omar, M. A.; Samat, N.; Mahamud, A. M. A. Soil Loss and Sediment Export from Land Use of the George Town Conurbation Catchment. Preprints 2020, 2020080271. Rahaman, Z. A.; Omar, M. A.; Samat, N.; Mahamud, A. M. A. Soil Loss and Sediment Export from Land Use of the George Town Conurbation Catchment. Preprints 2020, 2020080271.


The information on the land use and soil conservation practice based on year 2006, 2010 and 2014, hence offering an opportunity to model the impacts of land use change on erosion, deposition and surface water runoff. Limitation in the use of hydrological models had been their inability to handle the large amount of input data that describe the heterogeneity of the natural system. In this study, a procedure that takes into account soil conservation practice based on the land use change, the response of soil erosion and sediment export from the George Town Conurbation catchment area, and average annual sediment yields were estimated for each grid cell of the watershed to identify the critical erosion areas of rural and urban planning proposes. Average annual sediment yield and data on a grid basis estimated using Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and an emerging technology represented by Geographic Information System (GIS) used as a tool to produce a map for erosion rate. The changing of the land use from forest to agriculture and then to an urban area is a challenging task to research on land use demand for population, and environmental impact assessment is important for the planning of natural resources management, allowing research the modification of land use properly and implement more sustainable for long term management strategies. The challenge is to formulate strategies that would promote an integrated approach to the land use planning at an appropriate level as to address the issues that arose. Modelling for creating urban growth boundary for the George Town Conurbation must have to be controlled surface runoff and soil loss and sediment export from land use of the George Town Conurbation catchment.


geographic information system; land demand; land use; universal soil loss erosion


Environmental and Earth Sciences, Remote Sensing

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