Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Demographic Differences and Spatiotemporal Analysis of Visual Perception in Commercialized Historic Streets Based on Mobile Eye Tracking

Version 1 : Received: 17 May 2024 / Approved: 21 May 2024 / Online: 21 May 2024 (12:16:13 CEST)

How to cite: Zheng, S.; Zhang, J.; Zu, R.; Li, Y. Demographic Differences and Spatiotemporal Analysis of Visual Perception in Commercialized Historic Streets Based on Mobile Eye Tracking. Preprints 2024, 2024051375. Zheng, S.; Zhang, J.; Zu, R.; Li, Y. Demographic Differences and Spatiotemporal Analysis of Visual Perception in Commercialized Historic Streets Based on Mobile Eye Tracking. Preprints 2024, 2024051375.


The commercialization of historic streets constitutes a pivotal aspect of urban cultural heritage, and the comprehension of their visual perception serves as a valuable asset to urban planning and cultural conservation efforts. However, current research concerning the disparities in visual perception among diverse demographics within historic streets, as well as their spatiotemporal dynamics, remains insufficient. This study aims to utilize mobile eye-tracking technology to delve deeply into the visual perception characteristics of diverse demographics within commercialized historic streets, while also analyzing their spatiotemporal dynamics. We explore the disparities in visual perception of historic streets among groups with varying degrees of architectural knowledge and professional literacy. Through meticulous observation using mobile eye-tracking technology, we elucidate the visual perception patterns of different demographic characteristics through statistical analysis and spatiotemporal modeling. The findings reveal significant discrepancies in visual attention and perception among various groups. Participants with a higher understanding of architecture tend to focus more on architectural details and structures within the streetscape compared to those with a lower understanding, who exhibit greater interest in elements such as shops and signage. Moreover, during the process of perceiving the streetscape, participants’ eye movements transition from surrounding landscapes and historical edifices upon initial entry to the district, gradually shifting towards the commercial activities and distinctive architecture within the district. This study delves deeply into the visual perception characteristics and spatiotemporal dynamics of commercialized historic streets, providing invaluable insights for urban planning and cultural preservation endeavors. By revealing the impact of different demographic characteristics on the visual perception of historic streets, it offers new insights for urban planning and cultural heritage conservation.


Historic Streets; Environmental Attractiveness; Visual Perception; Temporal Shifts in Attention; Mobile Eye-Tracking Technology


Computer Science and Mathematics, Analysis

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