M184V is a single-base mutation in the YMDD domain of reverse transcriptase (RT). The M184V resistance-associated mutation is related to virological unresponsiveness to lamivudine (3TC) and emtricitabine (FTC) and induces high-level resistance to these two antiretroviral agents. M184V is rapidly selected in the setting of non-suppressive antiretroviral therapy (ART) and accumulates in the HIV reservoir. There were continuous efforts to evaluate the impact of M184V mutation on the treatment outcomes in people with HIV (PWH). Since lamivudine remains an extensively used part of recommended antiretroviral combinations, M184V is commonly detected in patients with virological failure. ART guidelines do not recommend the use of drugs impacted by resistance-associated mutations as they have been confirmed to comprise a risk factor for virological failure. However, previous authors suggest that 3TC/FTC can remain active even in the presence of M184V. Obtaining the viral resistance profile for each individual both treated or ART-naïve is a key challenge for lifelong treatment management.Given the potential benefits of lamivudine in the ART combinations, the investigation of M184V remains of high interest for clinicians and researchers. This is a review of literature for the challenges in treating both naïve and experienced individuals carrying the M184V resistance mutation, including virological failure, virological suppression, and resistance to ART.