Ecuador has 4000 Km2 of volcanic nanoclay reserves that could be industrialized. An immediate application is to modify the local AC-20 asphalt with this aggregate. This resource was characterized with FTIR, XRD, FRX, SEM, BET, Laser Granulometry, SPECMIN, TSG, TGA, DTG, DSC and Atmospheric Adsorption. FTIR showed vibration peaks Si and Al. X-ray diffraction indicated the presence of silicates and alumina, BET measured particle size (30 to 250 nm), and the SSA property measured the specific surface area (280.38 m2/g). Chip rock (natural clay) was treated with H2O2 or NaOH or NH3 and evaluated with SPECMIN -TSG obtaining spectra close to vermiculite, allophane and bentonite minerals. At 1000 °C additional samples were calcined in Thermogravimetry (TGA), Differential Thermogravimetry (DTG), Differential Thermal Analysis (DCS), with mass loss around 40%, corresponding to organic matter, hydroxyl (OH) and destruction of its structure with spicule formation at 956 °C. With the DSC there were endothermic and exothermic manifestations. The Si/Al layers would have micro and meso porosity, it was also found to be a nanoparticulate material, with high adsorption capacity. At temperatures above 350 °C, its structure collapsed. Thus, this synthesized nanoclay will be used as an additive to form new materials.