@article{202304.0997, doi = {10.20944/preprints202304.0997.v1}, url = {https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202304.0997.v1}, year = 2023, month = {April}, publisher = {Preprints}, author = {Simone Baldini Lucheis and Anelise Salina and Samea Fernandes Joaquim and Simony Trevisan Guerra and Felipe Freitas Guimarães and Marcio Garcia Ribeiro and Vera Lúcia Mores Rall and Rodrigo Tavanelli Hernandes and Domingos da Silva Leite and Vera Cláudia Lorenzetti Magalhães Curci and Helio Langoni}, title = {Milk Microbiota of Clinical Mastitic Cows: An Etiological Approach}, journal = {Preprints} }