@article{201906.0162, doi = {10.20944/preprints201906.0162.v1}, url = {https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints201906.0162.v1}, year = 2019, month = {June}, publisher = {Preprints}, author = {Alexander Kokhanovsky and Maxim Lamare and Olaf Danne and Marie Dumont and Carsten Brockmann and Ghislain Picard and Laurtent Arnaud and Vincent Favier and Bruno Jourdain and Emmanuel Lemeur and Biagio Di Mauro and Teruo Aoki and Masashi Niwano and Vladinmir Rozanov and Sergey Korkin and Sepp Kipfstuhl and Johannes Freitag and Maria Hoerhold and Alexandra Zuh and Diana Vladimirova and Anne-Katrine Faber and Hans-Christian Steen-Larsen and Sonja Wahl and Jonas Andresen and Baptiste Vandecrux and Dirk van As and Kenneth Mankoff and Michael Kern and Eleonora Zege and Jason Box}, title = {Retrieval of snow properties from the Sentinel-3 Ocean and Land Colour Instrument}, journal = {Preprints} }